The pelvis, as a connection between the trunk and lower extremities, consists of the two bony hip bones, which in turn consist of the ilium, ischium and pubic bone. There is a connection to the spine through the two sacroiliac joints and to the lower extremities through the hip joints.


The strength and stability of the pelvis is important for secure standing and an upright posture of the body.


Disturbances of the pelvis and especially its connections can lead to a wide variety of symptoms, e.g. gait disorders, spinal problems in the lumbar/cervical spine area, hip pain, groin pain.


This workshop is suitable for anyone interested and practicing with at least 3-6 months of Iyengar Yoga experience.

Date and Time

Sunday, May 26, 2024, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m

What to bring

Please bring a large towel with you to each course and workshop. Mats and other yoga materials are available in the studio.


CHF 95.- CHF


By email to (registration is binding)