Herzlich Willkommen im
Iyengar Yoga Studio in Arlesheim

Words cannot convey the value of Yoga –
it has to be experienced.

– B.K.S. Iyengar

King of the Yogis

Iyengar® Yoga

Iyengar® Yoga is known for its precise anatomical alignment and great finesse of its practice. Iyengar Yoga teachers undergo a comprehensive, strict training and examination process that takes several years. Therefore, they can recognize the individual needs of their students and deal with concrete assistance to problems.

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The knowledge of life


Along with Chinese and Greek-ancient medicine, Ayurveda is one of the oldest holistic medical systems in the world and originated about 2500 years ago in the advanced civilization of northern India. Its core elements have been recorded in eight internationally recognized compendia.

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