Iyengar Yoga Workshop on Sunday, 27th of March 2022 – The Lower Back
Iyengar Yoga to strengthen the lower back to prevent pain and release tension and blockages.
How Can Iyengar Yoga Relieve Lower Back Pain?
There are numerous ways in which Iyengar Yoga can help to reduce lower back pain. Although there are many causes for lower back pain, it is very common for people to arrive at yoga classes with this pain originating at least in part from tight hamstrings.
Stiffness in the group of 3 muscles at the back of your thighs known collectively as the hamstrings can restrict the movement of your pelvis in relation to the movement of your legs. As a result of this restriction, undue strain can be placed upon your lumbar spine.
Knowing that the spine can benefit from improved hamstring mobility can create a dilemma for many people. Positions that allow the hamstrings to stretch will often simultaneously challenge the lower back, potentially aggravating existing discomfort. With this in mind the following sequence looks to present a number of poses that can help you to safely improve the flexibility of your hamstrings in positions where your spine is comfortably supported. Poses that help to release tension from the lower back, and poses that help to improve the range of movement in the lower back are also included.
Especially the holistic approach is the key to success. Physical blockages are released, cramps eased and weak muscles strengthened.
Over 90 percent of all back pain is functional in nature, so the cause lies in a dysfunction around the lumbar vertebrae, the sacrum and the sacroiliac joints. The spectrum includes simple tension in the deep back muscles, but also chronic hardening or adhesions in the fascia. The complaints can also come from arthritic joint changes, more rarely herniated discs are the cause of back pain. Due to the functional and anatomical connections to the cervical spine, incorrect posture of the lumbar spine, for example, can lead to neck problems via muscular and connective tissue chains (fascia).
In this workshop we release tension and blockages. The focus is on strengthening the deep core muscles.
This workshop is suitable for practitioners with at least 6 months of Iyengar Yoga experience.
Date and Time Scheduele
On Sunday, 27th of March 2022, from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m
What you need to bring along to the Workshop
Please bring a large towel to the courses and workshops. Mats and other yoga material are available in the studio.
CHF 90.– Registration via email to csally@intergga.ch (Your registration for the workshop is binding)